Demolition / Junk Removal

Do Your Demo the Right Way

Do Your Demo the Right Way

Rely on us for demolition services in Troy and Dayton, OH

As fun as demolitions are to watch, only professionals should conduct them. Luckily, the pros at ZBAUM can knock down any unwanted structure on your property in Troy or Dayton, OH.

If your barn is damaged or unstable, your shed is overrun with insects or your garage is too expensive to maintain, contact us for exterior demolition services. We can:

  • Assess the structure you want or need to be removed
  • Gather the necessary equipment and safety gear
  • Determine how to get the job done safely
  • Knock down the entire wall or structure swiftly
  • Haul away the excess debris
If you want to learn more about our interior demolition services, call 937-204-9806 now.

Say goodbye to junk and clutter

Whether you need help with appliance or furniture removal, we've got the situation under control. Our junk removal services can come in handy when you're:

  • Remodeling your home and need to remove old belongings first
  • Making a major move and want to get rid of unwanted items
  • Trying to declutter your space of any unusable belongings
  • Cleaning up your yard in the spring or fall
No one wants to spend the day hauling junk to the dump. Save yourself time and energy by hiring ZBAUM for junk removal services today.